Health and Weight Loss News

Treatments designed to boost NAPE levels might offer a new way to fight obesity

Written By Unieke sieraden on Thursday, November 27, 2008 | 3:39 AM

Researchers discovered one type of lipid produced in the gut rises after eating fatty foods. The lipid, called N-acylphosphatidylethanolamines or NAPE, enters the bloodstream and goes straight to the brain. NAPEs concentrate in a brain region that controls food intake and energy expenditure. The most abundant form of NAPE seems to be effective in controlling fat intake even when administered artificially.

In a study where rats were given NAPE for five days, researchers saw a continuous reduction in food intake and a decline in body weight. Infusion of NAPE directly into their brains also led the animals to cut back on calories.
Study authors conclude these findings warrant longer-term studies in rodents and non-human participants to examine the potential for treatment and prevention of diet-induced obesity.

Source: Ivanhoe Medical News