Scientists at Liverpool University found that women who took the pill with their breakfast had a much lower appetite at lunch time. Women can cut their daily calorie intake by almost a fifth if they simply take a herbal diet pill, research reveals today. The supplement has also been shown to help those with a sweet tooth - reducing the temptation to indulge in sugary snacks. They found that women who took the pill with their breakfast had a much lower appetite at lunch time - cutting their calorie intake by 17.6 per cent. Of 58 volunteers who were given either Zotrim or a dummy pill in the morning, those on the herbal supplement only picked at their afternoon meal. Those on Zotrim ate on average 132 fewer calories - the equivalent of a Milky Way or can of cola. If the effects were replicated throughout the day, the pill would cut a dieter's daily count by 400 or 500 calories, equivalent to two bars of chocolate or a kebab. Zotrim is designed to make the user feel fuller for longer. But it also appears to take the edge off a sweet tooth, cutting the women's selection of biscuits and chocolate mousse from the buffet by 27 per cent. Source DailyMail.

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