Happiness, it seems, comes with curves, for a new poll has found that size 14 women are the happiest with their life and looks. According to the study, girls who wear the dress size rated their general happiness higher than any other with a quarter saying they were extremely happy. More than 43% of
size 14 women also said they were as happy as they could be with their career, while almost a third say they couldn’t be more content with their love life. Second happiest were size 12s, followed by sizes 8, 16 and 10, reports the Sun.
A spokesman for Special K, which polled 3,000 women, said: “It’s great to discover that being a size zero wouldn’t necessarily bring you happiness. Size 14 woman are much more comfortable with their shape and have a happier outlook.” The poll found that women size 24 or above were most miserable, with nearly one in five “extremely unhappy” with life. Less than 4% were happy with their career, and one in ten were extremely unhappy with their lovelife, the study also found.
Source: MeDiCalGeek
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