After 12 weeks, the participants drinking the green tea had greater loss, 4.4 pounds compared with just more than 2 pounds in the control group. The green-tea group also had larger declines in total abdominal fat, subcutaneous abdominal fat and triglycerides.
How green tea works its magic is not completely understood, but scientists believe it speeds the rate at which fat is broken down in the body. It may also help the body's sensitivity to insulin, lowering the risk of diabetes. The study was conducted by researchers at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University as well as research centers in Florida and Japan.
Another study on green tea, also featured in this issue of the Journal of Nutrition, shows that drinking plentiful amounts of the beverage over many years may have a subtle influence in decreasing the risk of breast cancer. The study examined almost 7,000 women, ages 20 to 74, in China. The women were evaluated for breast-cancer incidence and consumption of green tea. Compared with nondrinkers, women who drank green tea had a slightly decreased risk of breast cancer. The benefit was strongest for women who drank the most green tea over longer periods of time.
Source: Denverpost
Source: Denverpost
As a life long green tea drinker I think that it is really great in stabalizing blood sugar and also that the antioxidants in green tea really help detox the liver so that it can do its job of processing sugar and fat so that it doesn't overload into the bloodstream and then into the belly.
boda weight loss
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