It incorporates an increasingly difficult workout schedule as each week and month passes, enabling trainees to challenge themselves, constantly increasing their physical performance. The free workout plan utilizes three types of training methods: kettlebell, body-weight, and interval training. These three training routines incorporate full-body motions that enable trainees to maximize the results from each minute of a workout, burning fat and building functional strength during each exercise.
This is the first 12-week program available online through www.mbodystrength.com. The company is planning to launch a series of programs that will be customized to specific objectives, like fat loss, sports training, muscle building, functional strength, and training for recreational sports like water skiing. Workout plans will also be available for specific types of training, such as kettlebell, sandbag, ring training, interval training, free weight, and more.
Within two weeks of the free workout plan becoming available, it was downloaded hundreds of times by trainees in 16 different countries, including the United States, Russia, Indonesia, Australia, India, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Trainees ranged from beginners to soldiers and athletes.
“This free workout plan will enable anyone to achieve awesome improvements in physical performance and looks,” said Marcus Martinez. “MBody workout plans combined with our online exercise demonstrations should provide users with all the information they need to get into fantastic shape.”
Source: Huliq News
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