Sassy Water: 2 liters water (approximately 8 1/2 cups), 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger, 1 medium cucumber sliced thinly and peeled, 1 medium lemon sliced thinly, 12 small spearmint leaves.
The Flat Belly Diet appears to be one of the most popular, effective and healthy diets in America. One week after releasing her book, the Flat Belly Diet became a best seller , for good reason. The diet is high in MUFA's, (Monounsaturated fatty acids), and is well backed by research that shows MUFA's target belly fat, and promote overall health. MUFA rich foods include all nuts, peanut butter, olives, dark chocolate, and all oils except palm and coconut oil.
The Flat Belly Diet mandates that you drink Sassy water for four days before beginning the diet. Sassy water soothes the GI tract, and helps the body eliminate water. During the first four days of the Flat Belly Diet, women are told to avoid foods that cause bloating – highly processed foods, white breads and pasta, salt, gas producing vegetables and fruits, and carbonated beverages. Chewing gum is also to be avoided for four days. The result of just drinking Sassy water has yielded seven pounds of weight loss in just four days. The healthy Flat Belly Diet then limits calories to 1600 calories a day, divided into four meals. It is a change of eating habits, designed to make sure you are never hungry. The meals include a MUFA food every four hours.
Researchers put nine overweight women on the Flat Belly Diet for twenty-eight days. The Flat Belly Diet resulted in a thirty-three percent weight loss. MRI images, before and after, excited researchers when they saw a definite reduction in belly fat, as well as an increase in overall better health, including lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Fat in the mid-section has repeatedly been shown to release a series of hormones that promote metabolic syndrome, a cluster of symptoms that ultimately causes diabetes, heart disease and possibly cancer.
We think the Flat Belly Diet is a great way to get a jump on the New Year. We are all tired of diets that either do not work, leave us hungry, or have unwanted and unhealthy effects . Better health and a slimmer waist are great goals for the New Year. Please consider the real benefits of the diet, rather than taking the Sassy water recipe as a quick fix for bloating. Eating right, combined with regular exercise, is the only sure way to keep belly fat off, and maintain good health.
Source: EmaxHealth
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