This can lead to large reductions in weight for the morbidly obese, who are the only category of patients allowed to undergo the surgery.
With the new procedure, a single incision is made in the navel. Therefore, it's not surprising that the new surgery is called single-incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS). Laparoscopic refers to a device with a video camera attached that's inserted through the incision to allow the doctor to see inside the abdominal cavity.
"SILS is an important new option that holds the potential of less pain, fewer scars and quicker recovery," explained Shawn Garber, chief of bariatric surgery at Mercy Medical Center on Long Island, who also heads the New York Bariatric Group. "And most patients report that they can barely notice the single incision hidden in the bellybutton."
The procedure is completed using a special camera to see around obstructions and special graspers with a curved tip.
"There's a current revolution in minimally invasive surgery: Can we make laparoscopic surgery better by decreasing the number of incisions?" said Dr. Daniel Scott, associate professor of surgery and director of the Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. "The theory behind this, not yet proven, is that fewer scars are better cosmetically and for pain control. The pain may be less because you alleviate additional cuts, and therefore the recovery may be hastened."
Source: Empowered Doctor
Good information for those who are morbidly obese. Obesity is being increasingly recognized as a major health threat increasing the risk of development of other medical illnesses & even shortening of life span. Diet and exercise alone are seldom effective in controlling this problem. In these moments of risk one can choose single-incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS). The operation involves low risk, smaller scars and faster recovery.
Hope the single-incision laparoscopic surgery will help to solve their weight problems without any harm or side effects. For info visit here http://complimentarymedicine.tv/weightloss-surgery-with-one-small-incision
Laparoscopic Lap Band procedures which offers the advantage of fewer incisions and quicker recovery times, as well as decreased chances of complications during and after surgery. Lap Band is also the only weight loss procedure that is fully adjustable. Visit here to know more http://cw11.empowereddoctor.com/doctor_index_6226.html
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